

Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Technique

Lipodissolve (also known as mesotherapy) is a non-surgical fat reduction technique using microinjections. It is an injectable solution containing medications, multivitamins, alpha lipid acid, enzymes, plant extracts, and most importantly phosphatidylcholine, which is a natural product found in our body. Lipodissolve is injected directly into fat deposits which helps breakdown and emulsify the fat deposits, which are then naturally flushed out of the body by the liver, bowels, and kidneys. The injection is involves minimal to no pain. A topical anesthetic can be applied to minimize pain.

How Does it Work?

The phosphatidylchoine and deoxycholate are working as detergents causing the oily cell wall and other fats to be dissolved in the watery fluid around the fat cell. This causes the cells to burst and release their enzymes. The immune system, led by white blood cells migrating into the fat tissue, is then activated to clean up the debris from the dissolved cells. This inflammatory response of the body is responsible for some of the soreness felt after an injection. Soreness can last several weeks. The inflammatory response not only completes the destruction of the fat cell; it also causes some collagen and other proteins to be deposited in the area leading to the tightening and compacting of the subcutaneous tissue. Biopsies of sites show that the destruction of the fat cells is permanent. The fat and cellular debris that have been cleared are returned to the immune cells as waste into the normal metabolic pathways.


Treatment Areas

Approximately 2-4 treatments required to achieve desired results. Treatments are booked 3-4 weeks apart.

Areas commonly treated:

Upper and lower abdomen


upper arms

Love handles, back fat, bra rolls

residual fat deposits post-liposuction

Cost $350-400 Per Session